
Multi-ChainPrivacy protection

Official token contract on Binance Smart Chain:


What is Lightening Cash?


  • Privacy has become critical in decentralized finance.
  • Transaction costs have become bottlenecked in decentralized finance and privacy protection transactions on Ethereum.
  • Incentives for supporting privacy protection protocols have become reduced over time as there is less incentive support and rewards for privacy protection.
  • Most farming projects on the market have high inflation to achieve high APY in order to attract investors. However, this high inflation causes excessive sell pressure, thus losing long-term sustainability.
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Zero-knowledge proof

Zero-knowledge proof

Zero-knowledge with inherited secure trusted set-up



Fees on privacy transfer are implemented for buy-backing procedures to provide rewards to farmers and stakers

Deflationary Farming

Deflationary Farming

Deflationary farming combined with inflationary farming to provide high APY while still ensuring sustainable growth

Fast, scalable

Fast, scalable

Scalable, instant speed, and cheap transaction fees based on Binance Smart Chain

Unique Farming & Buy-Back System

  • We utilize the zero-knowledge technology used in Zcash to provide privacy protection transaction asset transfer protocol
  • We provide a unique long-term farming solution: Deflationary farming combined with inflationary farming to provide high APY while still ensuring sustainable growth
  • Buy-back mechanism uses protocol-generated profit to market buy LIC on the open market to promote growth, increase LIC value, and incentivize farmers and stakers
Launch App

Privacy Swap Integration

Deposit any token

to Lightening Cash protocol

Swap token privately

without any one knowing who's swapping

Protect your financial

and trading privacy


This timeline details our funding and
development goals

Q4 - 2020

  • Research about privacy solutions
  • Project brainstorming
  • Team and advisors formation
  • Tokenomics and Protocol design

Q1 - 2021

  • Launch Lightening Cash protocol on BSC
  • Launch buy-back mechanism
  • Partnership, Marketing, Branding
  • On-boarding users

Q2 - 2021

  • Partnership, Marketing, Branding
  • UX/UI improvement
  • Research multi-chain deployment
  • On-boarding users

Q3 - 2021

  • Multi-chain deployment on Ethereum and other blockchains
  • On-boarding users
  • Smart contract audit
  • Launch farming and staking
  • Launch Privacy Swap

Q4 - 2021

  • Lightening Cash blockchain-agnostic
  • Expansion of Lightening Cash further to other blockchains
  • Expansion of Privacy Swap to AMMs on other blockchains
  • Enable Fee on transfers for deflationary farming


Token Release  Schedule

Total Supply: 50,000,000

Ticker: LIC

Community Program and airdrop6,000,000Unlocked 20% at TGE for community initially**
Pancake Liquiditty2,500,000Create initial liquidity
Team3,000,000Lock 1 year, unlock 10% per month
Marketing & Partnership7,500,0006,000,000 unlock at TGE, 1,500,000 lock 1 month, vested 6 months
Development5,000,000Lock 6 months, unlock 10% per month
Farming17,500,000Farm over 6 months, 3LIC/block (3s/block)
Ecosystem Reserve7,500,000Locked for 6 months**
Advisors1,000,000Lock 3 months, unlock 20% every 3 months

*: The rest will be unlocked over next 8 months, 10%/month for community programs

**: Release schedule based on community governance

Our Partners

The Arcadia Group
Signum Capital



Lightening Cash is a protocol run on Binance Smart Chain, aiming to provide privacy protection of individual finance in DeFi applications on BSC. Lightening Cash also provides a long-term sustainable, unique design yield farming.

Farming in Lightening Cash is the combination of deflationary farming and low inflation farming. On one hand, this farming technique provides high APY to attract investors. On the other hand,this keeps inflation level low in order to avoid excessive sell pressure as seen in other farming projects.

Lightening Cash is more than a privacy protection asset transfer protocol. Lightening Cash is designed from bottom-up with unique farming design in order to incentivize users to use the protocol and support protocol.

For users who use the protocol, transaction speeds are much faster than Tornado Cash and the transaction fee is much cheaper than Tornado Cash. For farmers and stakers, besides farming and staking rewards, they share profit generated by the protocol through the buy-back mechanism.